Unklab Business School (UBS) Universitas Klabat
Jl. Arnold Mononutu Airmadidi 95371 Indonesia | Phone: (0431) 891035 | Fax: (0431) 891036
Website: http://ejournal.unklab.ac.id/index.php/kjm email : kjm@unklab.ac.id WA (+62)8534 599 968
Jl. Arnold Mononutu Airmadidi 95371 Indonesia | Phone: (0431) 891035 | Fax: (0431) 891036
Website: http://ejournal.unklab.ac.id/index.php/kjm email : kjm@unklab.ac.id WA (+62)8534 599 968
Principal Contact
Deske W. Mandagi, MM, MSc.M, Ph.D
Editor in Chief
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Klabat