Delays of Children Aged 2 to 5 Years Old
The study is descriptive research that focuses on the delays in Adaptive Behavior of children aged between two (2) and five (5) years old. The areas of adaptability had been divided into five (4) areas, namely, cognitive, social communication, daily living skills, speech, emotions, and leisure (SEL). The participants were 45 Filipino children aged between two (2) and five (5) years old; they were enrolled in Special Education (SpED), Playschool, and therapy. Based on the results, the majority of the participants manifested cognitive delays that vary with their age. Common was difficulty remembering what happened the day before in school, differentiating between left and right, and reciting months and days in order. In terms of his social communication, participants struggle in saying it needs to pee or poop, naming familiar things, expressing tantrums verbally rather than physically, and exhibiting independence by doing things on their own. Meanwhile, in daily living skills, participants had difficulties, in the beginning, eating alone, putting on and removing clothes without assistance, using the toilet independently, pouring water or milk from a pitcher or faucet independently, and doing household chores. On the other hand, participants manifested emotions, leisure, and speech delays through continually relying on a parent or teacher for security and support, showing feelings socially, crying when routines such as sleep and eating schedules are changed, acting in conflicting manners holding back their angry outbursts most of the time, and controlling impulses better as they do not push others at once.
Keywords: Cognitive Skills, Social Communication, Daily Living Skills, Speech, Emotions, and Leisure (SEL), Delays, Adaptive Behavior