Paul’s Transformation Leadership Behavior in the Letter to Titus

  • Budi Harwanto Faculty of Philosophy, Klabat University, Indonesia


Leadership is an essential tool to fulfill the objectives of church ministry and mission. Among several leadership styles, transformation leadership behavior is one of effective model to be implemented in the church. Since most of the transformational leadership discussion has focused secular organization context, it needs to construct a biblical foundation and its implication for the church organization setting. This study applies both theoretical review and biblical analysis that based on the Paul’s letter to Titus. The review of literature shows that theories on transformational leadership supports the characteristics of Paul’s leadership style. Paul develops a personal connection with Titus and this presents transformational leadership principles. Paul displays individual consideration by considering Titus as his true son in faith and as a vital co-worker instead of a general follower. Although Titus has some weaknesses as a young leader, the influence of his mentor encourages him to do his leadership tasks. Moreover, Paul inspired Titus to be a faithful minister of God. He motivated him with a clear vision of the ministry by providing a good church leadership to face challenges. The blessed hope of eternal life became a great encouragement for Titus in dealing with critical situations. Finally, Paul stimulated Titus to teach the Cretan congregation true sound doctrine. Through intellectual stimulation, Titus is encouraged to study the word of God carefully and apply it. Consequently, by applying the model of Paul’s leadership, Titus was being productive leader to the Cretan community of faith. Thus, an application in church arena helps the church progressively conform to Christ’s image. Church leaders’ behavior motivates church members to consistently grow in church community.

Keywords: transformational leadership, Paul, Titus.



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How to Cite
HARWANTO, Budi. Paul’s Transformation Leadership Behavior in the Letter to Titus. Klabat Theological Review, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 21-33, feb. 2022. ISSN 2723-6137. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025. doi: