• James J Watopa International Institute of Advanced Studies Manila, Philippines


Prostitution is a classic social issue from ancient times until today that cannot be denied. From remote villages to megapolitan cities in every country. Some are legalized but some are prohibited. Various parties are trying to prevent and even eradicate it, but face obstacles that are difficult to resolve. For that, the church cannot turn a blind eye. There is a need for pastoral care for this issue which has disturbed the social fabric. The pastor's rarities in question include: (1) building a relationship, (2) establishing excellent and transparent communications, (3) biblical reflexivity, (4) systemic assessment, and lastly (5) planning to care. Thus, all stakeholders, not only the government, or foundations are concerned with this issue, but the church needs to make a concrete contribution to this problem. Because Jesus interacted with the prostitutes and then changed their life.  They are also, the group of people that need to be saved.

Keywords:  Pastoral care, Prostitute, trafficking, transparent communications, care, building relationship, postmodernism, saved.



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How to Cite
WATOPA, James J. PASTORAL CARE TO THE PROSTITUTES IN JAKARTA: POSTMODERN APPROACH. Klabat Theological Review, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 51-71, feb. 2022. ISSN 2723-6137. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025. doi: