Exploration of Lo-Fi Music and its Effect on Vital Signs Among Non-Medicated Hypertensive Patients

  • Seth N. Corpuz Adventist University of the Philippines
  • Arvin John R. Macalintal Adventist University of the Philippines
  • Mark B. Samson Adventist University of the Philippines


Classical music has been shown to have therapeutic effects on vital signs, such as reducing blood pressure (BP) as a result due to its relaxing effect. This study investigates the effects of Lo-Fi music on the vital signs (VS) of non-medicated hypertensive patients. This study was conducted among 30 respondents consisting of 10 males and 20 females between the ages of 30 and 66. This quasi-experimental study utilized the two-group pretest/posttest research design. The respondents were divided into two equal groups using simple randomization of rock-paper-scissors, with 15 in the control group (CG) and 15 in the experimental group (EG). All respondents had a 5-minute rest period before the conduct of the study. The EG listened to a compilation of various Lo-Fi songs for 5 minutes. The CG sat in silence for a similar duration of time. The post-VS were taken from both groups, including systolic, diastolic, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and oxygen(O2) saturation, which were measured with a thermometer gun, electronic BP apparatus, and pulse oximeter for pretest and posttest. Results reveal that there was no significant difference in the vital signs for both the EG and CG, with the exception of O2 saturation of the CG. For the comparison of the CG and EG, there was no significant difference in the systolic, diastolic, HR, RR, and O2 saturation of the respondents. There was no significant difference in the vital signs when age and body mass index were considered. Although playing Lo-Fi music to non-medicated hypertensive patients led to a notable decrease in systolic and diastolic BP, it was not enough to be statistically significant.

Keywords: lo-fi music, hypertension, music therapy

How to Cite
CORPUZ, Seth N.; MACALINTAL, Arvin John R.; SAMSON, Mark B.. Exploration of Lo-Fi Music and its Effect on Vital Signs Among Non-Medicated Hypertensive Patients. 8ISC Abstract Proceedings, [S.l.], p. 7, feb. 2022. Available at: <https://ejournal.unklab.ac.id/index.php/8ISCABS/article/view/702>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025.